Sometimes client wants to speed up website to load page fast. It’s very important for every web site. If any web site takes a huge time to load, then visitor leave that site. Then website authority lost their traffic. So if you want to keep your traffic, then website speed up is must. There are some techniques to speed up website. Suppose you have a website and you want to speed up the site. Then first audit your website. Go to and analyze your website.

After auditing you will get a report of your site audit. From the report, you can find out the problem of your website. After finding all issues, you have to fix them. Most of the problems are image optimization, image scaling, unusable javascript, css lack of content optimization etc. So when you write content for your site, you can optimize them. Try to write seo friendly article or content. If you want to add image in any article, then make the image optimized. It will help you to reduce your loading time as well as speed up website.
Then check whether css and javascript is not necessary. Delete all unnecessary css and javascript. If there is any page or post which is not necessary, but exists in your site, delete them. Fix domain level canonical issue of your site. To fix domain level canonical issue, you can use google webmaster tools. Use proper keyword for your article or content. Don’t use any stop word in the url. Make your article title seo friendly. When write title, try to keep the keyword at the begging of the title. Set proper meta description for every article. Besides you can use keyword in meta description.
If you apply these techniques, then you can easily speed up your website.