If you have passion on writing, then you can earn money from blogger. Blogger is a blog-publishing service. Here you can create your own blog and write article. To use blogger, you must sign up in google. Then you can create your own blog. Pyra Labs developed blogger and in 2003 google bought blogger from them. Normally blogs are hosted by google.
How to earn?
If you want to earn money from blogger, you have to write meaningful and unique article in blogger. First create a blog and set proper name for your blog. When you will have sufficient article in your blog, then you can apply for google adsense. Google AdSense is an advertising placement service by Google. Web publishers can create free account in google adsense. Google manages and controls advertisements. So there are some rules to apply for adsense. Your blog should have enough contents. Your blog site must be accessible from both computer and mobile. You must be 18 years old to apply for google adsense. Don’t publish any shocking content in your blog. Because it is prohibited in adsense program policy. Don’t write any drug, bomb, gambling related article. Try to write useful article.
Once google adsense approve your blog, then you can earn money from blogger. Try to write article regularly. Don’t write short article, always try to write brought article. Advertisers wish to place their advertisement where it matches with your article. So always try to be updated. Try to learn new things and write them in your blog.
How to select niche?
Niche selection is very important for every writer. Without a proper niche, you can’t success in blogger. So try to write article on specific niche. You can work with both broad niche and narrow niche. It’s totally depends on you. But always try to work with single niche for every single blog site. Try to write seo friendly article for your blog so that visitors can find your blog easily. It’s very essential to know seo for every blogger / writer. There are many tutorials in youtube about seo. Besides you can learn seo from any training center. It may take 1 or 2 months. If you write seo friendly article then you can increase traffic in your blog.
Theme selection
There are many free themes in blogger. Choose a responsive theme so that it can also work properly in mobile devices. It’s very important issue. Because if your theme is not responsive, visitors can’t see your full blog site from mobile. It can reduce your visitors. So always try to use a responsive and attractive theme for your blog. Arrange widgets properly so that your site looks beautiful.
Place Adsense code
When google adsense will approve your blog site, then you will get an adsense code. Place that code between <head></head> tags. First go to theme option from left menu and them click html edit. Then place the adsense code. Then save the theme. You can change your blog layout from Layout menu. Besides you can place custom ads in your site using widgets.
Thus you can earn money from blogger very easily.
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